Monday, June 10, 2013

Gilad Atzmon Speaks Out

Gilad Atzmon is an ex Israeli.  He is also a jazz musician and a writer. After serving in the Israeli army, he began to review the policy of the Israeli government concerning Arabs and Palestinians.  Disgusted by their brutal treatment, he fled Israel to London where he remains.  He has written a book entitled, "The Wandering Who", an analysis of Jewishness and continues to speak out against violence and injustice.


Anonymous said...

Amazing that he did not begin playing music until into his thirties. A wonderful, very interesting interview.

I would love Gilad to participate in a panel discussion of sorts - with those who take a stance other than his own. He is very articulate and knows his facts. Coming from the background in which he does, Gilad has a better chance of both understanding and addressing these issues.

I’ve followed both his music and writing now for close to a year (interesting- I did discover him through his music and the writing came as an adjunct). I don't think this man sleeps with all he does. Gilad appears to be passionate about both - his writing and music-and both take a lot of time. I find it interesting that he feels he can bring about peace through his music. He is not alone in this. Music is a universal language. It unites...brings people together, enables them to share and yes, aids individuals in learning to really listen.

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Anonymous said...

First Anonymous ....
Well the Psycho Atzmon plays music for a longgg time he even played in an Army band (You know its between 18- to 21) So I guess you like his Anti Jewish persona.
He attracts Jew Haters as sheet attracts Flies